Seasoned. Knowledgeable. Driven
Jeff Thorpe is a dedicated REALTOR® with a passion for helping people find their dream homes and investment properties on the North Shore. Jeff is a seasoned professional who honed his skills over a 25-year career in sales and marketing before following his true passion for real estate. Now, with a decade of experience specifically in North Shore real estate, he has refined his skills to become a trusted expert in the field. He brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and a genuine enthusiasm for matching individuals and families with their perfect homes.
One of his areas of expertise lies in new home building and renovations. He understands the intricacies of construction, design, and renovation projects, enabling him to provide valuable insights to clients looking to buy or sell properties.
Having grown up in West Vancouver and now residing in North Vancouver with his wife and energetic twins, Jeff has a deep understanding of the community and the local real estate market. He has a strong commitment to providing exceptional service to his clients. Being a family-oriented individual, he understands the significance of a home in shaping your family’s future.
When he is not closing deals, Jeff can be found honing his skills on the golf course, hiking the local trails with his family and golden retriever, or conquering the slopes in Whistler as an avid skier.
Working with Jeff you can expect unwavering honesty, unparalleled dedication, personalized attention, and a seamless real estate experience.